Sunday, April 4, 2010

From free books to e-books: how publishers are dealing with digital

The moment when Gordon Brown, the Prime Minister, finally calls the general election is a long awaited one for many politicians, pundits and even some voters. However, one other person is eagerly awaiting that moment – Neil Boorman, the author of “It’s All Their Fault”.

As soon as the election is announced, Boorman, author of previous books including "Bonfire Of The Brands", will hit the publish button, and watch as his manifesto - which seeks to rid the Government of baby boomers - goes truly interactive, in a step just as bold for his publishers, HarperCollins, as it is for him.

Brent Hoberman searches for new dotcom darlingsThe 10,000 word book, which argues that Baby Boomers have ruined the world for their children, will then appear in full, free, on a dedicated website - There will be a downloadable, 1,000-word sample that people can share with friends, a print-on-demand physical book for £4.99 via retailers such as Waterstones or Amazon and an e-book edition for £3.99.

But the really exciting element of the project, part of HarperCollins’s ‘The Friday Project range’ (which sources the “brightest talent from the web and develops it into great books”) is that during the election a second version of the book will be assembled from the best comments by readers of Boorman’s website.

That edition will be published - in the same manner as the first - on the day the new PM is announced. Robin Harvie, editorial director at Harper Collins’ Friday Project, believes this increased level of interaction is the future of publishing.

“With devices like the iPad nearly at our shores and more routes for communication than ever before, I believe that especially in non-fiction, the distance between the author and reader should start to disappear. Authors will become more like curators and take influence from their readers’ suggestions during and after they have written their work.

“We hope that this book is the first stage of this journey and books move from being a passive media to a live product – capable of change through readers’ annotations.”

He looks forward to all e-books including hyperlinks, video, audio and games. “Once hyperlinks and video are all standard features – I envision a time when people will be able to buy an e-book and add their own hyperlinks and videos to their copy. It will be like the modern version of annotating your favourite book with pencil – only much, much better. Whether the rights of a book could then be altered enough to allow people to share these e-book annotations would be a far more complicated process.”

The iPad, released in the US today, has sparked hope in the publishing world that there could finally be a device which pushes e-readers into the mainstream.

Jeremy Ettinghausen, Penguin’s digital publisher, believes the iPad is the first screen he can imagine parents using to read to their children with or even let their children read from alone.

“People want to interact with all content now – books included. They want additional material and they want to be able to share material they like with friends. It’s our job as publishers to use the technology available and make this as easy and innovative as possible – while devising clever pricing models. We are committed to the being involved with the iPad UK launch and are working on un-traditional book apps for it which will stretch the meaning of the linear book.

“These types of treatments will not suit all books, but children’s literature is prime for this type of development as children now seem to learn how to swipe a touch-screen before reading.”

John Makinson, Penguin Books’ chief executive, believes that the future of publishing is all about touch screen interaction. He demonstrated some of the ways the iPad’s iBook functionality could create a different reading experience at a talk in the UK earlier this month.

He played a video (embedded above) showing children reading classics such as ‘Spot’ on the iPad and showed how the screen could be used to bring the characters to life and paint tools used to colour-in characters.

Ettinghausen emphasises the importance of collaborative projects – such as programmers, designers and authors working together to produce high spec books suitable for e-book readers.

“Four of Penguin’s authors also write video game plots,” he says. “There will more and more overlap – as people devise games as an add-on application, which can be downloaded in tandem with buying an e-book. As publishers we have to offer people the opportunity to create more than just linear texts. Some authors will jump at the chance to differentiate their product – others will run.”

One such author who has embraced the digital opportunities is Marcus du Sautoy, the renowned mathematician, who succeeded Richard Dawkins as professor for the understanding of science at Oxford University. Having published two ‘linear’ books, his forthcoming book -The Number Mysteries – which is edited by Harvie, contains puzzles and problems to solve.

According to Harvie: “There will be a gaming app developed out of the printed book, which will generate revenue by appealing to people who would never have bought the book. And because it is a tie-in game, which offers something that isn’t in the book, his readers will want it too.”

Du Sautoy is excited about his book becoming interactive. “The e-book will contain hyperlinks and videos. I am always looking to engage people and this book was ripe for this type of treatment – it was bursting to leave the constraints of the traditional book format. Whereas my other two books were better suited to the constraints of linear publishing. I think it really depends on the book as to how you can develop it digitally – which also takes into account your readers.

There is also a financial issue to consider. Sara Lloyd, the digital director of Pan Macmillan said: “The commercial issue is a major factor. We have to ensure that we can create add-ons without detracting from the value of the book and ensure we can generate alternative revenue streams from these new features.”

Buyers of e-books have typically been male and - Boorman will be disappointed to learn - baby boomers. However, Lloyd thinks Apple could change that. “We hope that new platforms like iBooks will bring new younger readers – especially students – who all seem to worship the Apple brand.”

While authors and publishers figure out new ways to promote and share the latest books it feels like there is still some way to go before e-books are the norm. However, Harvie doesn’t think this is the case: “I don’t think it will be too long before I see a prospective author submit a proposal that has a purely digital life. At the moment I am approaching authors with digital ideas, but the mindset is changing amongst authors, agents as well as publishers

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